Collection: Material: Solder Paste

Solder Paste - Liquid Solder

STIRRI® Hydra™ water-soluble series - Ultra-Low Voiding Water-Soluble Solder Paste with QC-Aid™

Tier I Aerospace/Defense grade Hydra water-soluble solder chemistry cover with various viscosity and activity levels for stencil printing or jet dispensing.

Ultra-low voiding chemistry ranging REL0, REL1, REM1 and ORH1 activity.

STIRRI® Hydra™ is a world's first water-soluble solder paste and tacky paste flux with optical tracer glowing in UV for instant visual PCB contamination inspection. QC-Aid - Everyone Can QC!™

Hydra™ Water-soluble Series

STIRRI® Hydra™ water-soluble series

World's first ultra low voiding water-soluble solder paste and tacky paste flux made with optical tracer glowing in UV for instant visual contamination inspection. QC-Aid™ - Everyone Can QC!™

STIRRI-LtºHF - Low-temperature halogen-free lead-free no-clean solder paste

Low-temp solder paste with a modern approach aiming QMS-driven process striving to constant improvement - this paste is an instant upgrade to any other LT paste out there.

Low-temperature solder paste addreses issues with warping, discoloration or deformation in tº-sensitive areas, attachment of precision sensors and anywhere else where excessive heat is prohibitive.

Made with Sn42Bi58, Sn42Bi57.6Ag0.4, Sn42Bi57Ag1, Sn43Pb43Bi14 low-temp low-oxide uniformly shaped solder powder and other powders available on request.

STIRRI®LT-HF™ is a world's first low-temperature no-clean halogen-free solder paste and tacky paste flux with optical tracer glowing in UV for instant visual PCB contamination inspection. QC-Aid - Everyone Can QC!™


Low-temperature Solder Paste

Lead-free no-clean solder paste with QC-Aid™ low-melting at 138ºC

Mid-Temperature (MT) No-clean Solder Paste

STIRRI MT and MT-HF mid-temperature no-clean solder paste primarily used for leaded applications in Space Exploration, Defense, Repair and Hot Air Rework. Contains QC-Aid for instant visual PCB contamination inspection. Made with Sn60Pb40, Sn62Pb36Ag2, Sn62.8Pb36.8Ag0.4, Sn63Pb37 low-temp low-oxide uniformly shaped solder powder

RMA 063 Mid-temp Rosin Mildly Activated Solder Paste

RMA 063 leaded no-clean Sn63Pb37 mid-range classic rosin mildly activated eutectic solder paste with QC-Aid™ melting at 183ºC

STIRRI-LF / HF- Ultra-low Voiding No-clean Lead-free Solder Paste

STIRRI LF and LF-HF lead-free and lead-free-halogen-free no-clean solder paste primarily used for Medical Electronics and LED/Solar industries. Contains QC-Aid for instant visual PCB contamination inspection. Made with Sn96.5Ag3.5, Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5, Sn99Ag0.3Cu0.7, Sn99.3Cu0.7 lead-free low-oxide uniformly shaped solder powder

SAC305 Rosin-based Lead-free No-clean/RMA Solder Paste 3% Silver

ROL0/ROM1 lead-free Sn96.5Ag3.0Cu0.5 Solder Paste with QC-Aid™ melting at 219ºC

High-Temperature (HT) No-clean Solder Paste

STIRRI HT high-temperature no-clean solder paste primarily used in multi-step semiconductor assemblies and Hot Air Rework. Contains QC-Aid for instant visual PCB contamination inspection. Made with Sn10Pb88Ag2, Sn95Sb5, Sn95Ag5, Sn5Pb93.5Ag1.5 high-temp low-oxide uniformly shaped solder powder, other powder compositions are available on request

  • LT - Low-temperature Solder Paste up to LIQ ~ 138-175ºC

    Handcraft™ Series - low-melting Tin/Bismuth (Sn/Bi) solder paste based on STIRRI-LtºHF-TF low-temperature halogen-free solder paste flux, RMA and ASM formulations, containing QC-Aid™

    LT - Low-temperature solder paste 
  • MT - Mid-temperature Leaded Solder Paste LIQ ~ 183-188ºC

    Spacecraft™ Series - mid-range Tin/Lead (Sn/Pb) solder paste based on STIRRI ASM, MT/MT-HF, RMA soldering tacky paste fluxes exceeding Aerospace & Defense specifications, uplifted with QC-Aid™

    MT - Mid-temperature solder paste 
  • LF - Lead-Free Silver-free & Low-Silver Solder Paste LIQ ~ 219-227ºC

    Medicraft™, LEDcraft™ - lead-free, silver-containing and silver-free solder paste based on LF-HF and VS-UHF halogen-free, pin testable solder paste, ASM, EnigMA, RMA solder paste with QC-Aid™

    LF - Lead-free solder paste 
  • HT - High-temperature Solder Paste LIQ ~ 240-290ºC

    SemICON™, hotAIRework™ - high-temperature solder paste for semiconductors and multi-step assembly, prolonged HT reflow profiles, rework by Hot-Air, options for QC-Aid™

    HT - High-temperature solder paste